Vincent David (FRA), Nikita Zimin (RUS), Emma McPhilemy (UK), Jamie Oehlers (AUS)
100SAX! & SmashSAX!. Concerts. Masterclasses. Workshops. Teacher PD.
1 Unforgettable Festival.
28 -30 June, 2019
The Melbourne International Saxophone Festival returns in 2019 to bring together some of the best national and international musicians for a weekend of performances, masterclasses and workshops. For the time in Australia, we welcome world-renowned French saxophonist Vincent David (FRA), as well international soloists Nikita Zimin (RUS), Emma McPhilemy (UK) and Jamie Oehlers (AUS) who will inspire and showcase the many wonders of Saxophone through performance and teaching. Our new Yanagisawa, Eltham Woodwind and Brass Concert Series will run throughout the weekend and will innovate, explore and push the boundaries of the instrument and its performance. Melbourne Saxophone’s flagship educational programs - Ozwinds 100SAX! (Grade 5 and up), SmashSAX! (Grade 3 and 4 or equivalent) and Jazz Program (Secondary and Tertiary Jazz Saxophonists) will see over 100 saxophone students from around Australia and the world rehearse and perform with the festival’s guest artists.